There are a large number of hotels in Wolverhampton. Use to search for nearby hotels by entering the studio address and finding the cheapest prices. AirBnb is also now popular in Wolverhampton and there are a lot of options particularly if sharing with others. You can connect with other people attending the event on our Facebook group Infusion Emporium Connect.
Recommended Hotels
Union Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 3JN.
Novotel is a 5 minute walk to the bus station and city centre, and 2 minutes walk to the train station. Rooms can accommodate up to 4 people so be sure to find some roomies to share the cost!

Premier Inn
Broad Gauge Way, Wolverhampton WV10 0BA.
Premier Inn is a 5 minute walk to the bus station, train station and city centre.

Redwings Lodge
45 Waterloo Rd, Wolverhampton WV1 4QL.
Redwings Lodge is a 10-15 minute walk to the train and bus station, and 5 minutes walk to the heart of the city centre. It is a 5 minute walk to Newhampton Arts Centre making it the closest accommodation to all the IE action. However it’s on the city ring road and traffic can be very loud, so something to consider. It’s a budget hotel, so don’t expect luxury!